10 Questions with Clara Gomes, author of ‘I Love Her’ – Her Campus - Freelance Find


Friday, October 28, 2022

10 Questions with Clara Gomes, author of ‘I Love Her’ – Her Campus

Clara Gomes is a 21-year-old undergraduate Communications major at the University of Connecticut with a long list of accomplishments. To name a few, Clara runs a fashion and lifestyle blog called “Why Not?” and she’s interned for UConn Global, My Social Canvas, and Her Campus Media.

Most recently, Clara became the author of a brand-new self-development book titled I Love Her. The book focuses on all things manifestation, healing the wounded feminine, and having an abundance mindset.

Keep reading for my interview with Clara, where we talked about podcasts, writing, spirituality, success, and so much more!

1) What inspires you to sit down and write?

I was inspired by my younger self and all those little girls out there who aren’t reminded enough of how important it is to fill your own cup before someone else’s. For such a long time, I was a people pleaser, and I would neglect my own needs. I felt so anxious, stressed, and depleted all those years that people took advantage of my kindness. I wanted to write a book for what my younger self would’ve wanted to hear, and I wanted others to be inspired to live with more self-compassion so that they wouldn’t have to go through similar painful experiences that I have. 

2) Who are some of your influences?

Some of my biggest influences when writing my novel were podcast hosts Ella Ringrose and Haley Hoffman Smith, two really awesome mindset manifestation coaches I discovered on Spotify. People in my life who showed me kindness, unconditional love, and support were also there to inspire some of my thoughts when writing.

3) When did you start exploring spirituality?

I first really got into spirituality during the pandemic when I came across videos on TikTok about manifestation, meditation, and yoga. From there, I slowly pulled myself out of a dark place and mindset. I bought books, practiced listening to my intuition, and stripped away from people, places, and things that no longer served me. Spirituality saved my life in a sense, and it has helped me create a lifestyle of abundance and overall happiness. It taught me to search for love within and depend less on the external.

4) What activities help you feel at peace?

I love the feeling of driving around with a friend or going into a trance on the elliptical at the gym with a beautiful song on. Music has always been such an important part of my life and my playful imagination. I also love to use music to feel so that I can manifest more of the experiences I want to attract.

5) What was most challenging about the writing process?

While writing, forcing myself to sit down and concentrate was challenging because I can be a bit of a procrastinator. Oddly enough, I actually work so much better in a coffee shop setting with people around me. I like having noise and people around me because I feel like I’m not alone and it’s nice to ground myself and notice traits in myself in others. I felt discouraged most days, like giving up completely. However, I knew it was the mean ego in my head telling me I looked stupid for wanting to write this book. I wrote it so the soul could win.

6) What was most rewarding about the writing process? 

Seeing it all come to fruition was so rewarding. I started writing my book while studying abroad, an experience I will always be so grateful for. Thinking back to the months when I imagined the book in my hand, it was so awesome to get an email from Amazon KDP saying that the paperback and Kindle versions were live. Hearing all the kind things my friends and family had to say, including everyone that bought, brought me to tears of joy a few times. It was such a beautiful feeling.

7) What does ‘healing the wounded feminine’ mean to you?

I first started learning about the Divine Feminine from Ella Ringrose’s podcast. The Divine Feminine is essentially the part of the soul that operates from emotions, feelings, and sensations. It’s about resting in your power as the one who receives and nurtures the self, whereas masculine energy derives from rational motives and providing. Everyone has masculine and feminine energy, but when we are overworking ourselves, for example, we are neglecting our feminine. Balance is always going to be important. Feeling joy, having fun, and receiving pleasure are something that many women have a hard time letting in, so I wanted to bring some awareness to that.

8) Do you think that spirituality and success can work hand in hand?

I think that people see the two as very contrasting ways of life because they aren’t familiar with how spirituality can be powerful for someone in business to understand. The way you speak to yourself, treat yourself, and see your reality will impact you in the workplace. Capitalism and hustle culture is all part of the simulation we live in where we believe we have to run ourselves into the ground working to make money. The higher self knows that we are capable of better and healthier than that.

Those who aren’t awakened in this lifetime won’t understand that power can be found within, and we don’t have to work for someone else all the time in order to succeed. Many CEOs practice meditation and manifestation because they understand how important it is to have a mindset of abundance and love in the workplace for things to operate smoothly. Good thoughts attract good things.

9) What advice would you give TO someone interested in exploring spirituality?

I would definitely recommend taking some time to write about things that make you happy, and then try to incorporate actions into your routine that leads to those things first. Journaling, meditation, and listening to podcasts have helped me tremendously, especially throughout those dark-night-of-the-soul eras (when it feels like everything is crashing down and then you build up and go through a rebirth of some sort). Exploring the self and searching for answers within is hard, but it will be so good for you in the long run. You got this!

10) Do you have any plans for future books?

As of right now, I’m not certain about publishing another book, but I’ve definitely considered writing more that focuses on the power of the Divine Feminine and spirituality for women. It’s something I’ve become super passionate about. I want to go to an all women’s yoga and wellness retreat and write about that. 

Hearing about Clara’s spiritual journey and her desire to help others find themselves was so inspiring. I can’t wait to read my copy! To learn more about Clara Gomes and all her amazing projects, check out her website. Plus, make sure to grab your copy of I Love Her, which is available on Amazon for Kindle or paperback here.

This article is part of a series, #FeministFriday, where Chloe Hummel seeks to highlight standout feminists making a difference in the world right now. Stay tuned!

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